Akademija tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske


U Dubrovniku je od 8. do 11. rujna održana konferencija „The 1st Chinese-Croatian international Conference on Psychiatry and Psychology (CCICPP 2022)“. Tema konferencije bila je „Global Mental Health, Applied Psychology and Psychiatry – Emerging Challenges of the 21st Century“. Član Akademije u Odjelu sustava i kibernetike prof. dr. sc. Krešimir Ćosić održao je predavanje na temu „Global (In)security, Mental Health, Artificial Intelligence and Culture of Empathy“. Uz prisutne u dvorani, zabilježeno je da je predavanje putem Interneta pratilo 61750 sudionika iz cijelog svijeta.

Nekoliko detalja iz prezentacije i sažetak predavanja dostupni su u nastavku obavijesti.

Global security organizations failed to protect our societies and our nations in the case of unprovoked Russian invasion on Ukraine. This aggression is the greatest tectonic change in the global geopolitical security order since the end of the Cold War. Therefore, the world needs new global security architecture to prevent escalation of extreme military doctrines and strategies which may even use chemical, biological or even nuclear weapons. During the war time, people are exposed to devastating and traumatic events which may have a catastrophic consequence on their mental health causing anxiety, depression, PTSD and even suicidal behaviors. To prevent serious mental health disorders among more vulnerable individuals who may develop serious psychopathologies their urgent treatment in the early stages of their physiological, cognitive, emotional and behavioral changes is extremely important. These changes can be objectively assessed by clusters of different multimodal and multidisciplinary features and new therapeutic strategies which should be focused on early prediction and prevention of serious mental health disorders using tools and means of digital psychiatry based on AI and ML. Due to inadequate number of psychiatrists and limited psychiatric resources in coping with the upcoming war challenges on European soil, digital therapeutics wearable devices supported by advanced statistical methods and machine learning algorithms will be game changer in psychiatry of future. The predictive AI based methodology which can recognized potential chronic psychopathology early enough will have enormous transformational potential to enhance traditional psychiatry. A major strength of these methods is their ability to identify specific non-obvious patterns which are beyond human observation capabilities, but which might be essential for early detection of individuals at high risk of mental health deterioration. Explainable AI in psychiatry might also act as a self-explanatory digital assistant to psychiatrists to analyze huge datasets and recognize patterns and hidden warning signs that a psychotherapist might miss. To prevent the ongoing massive mental health disorders on European soil in Ukraine the WHO should establish a multinational interdisciplinary task force for helping Ukrainian people. Such strategy may play an important role in recovery of Ukrainian society and economy in the post-war period. Their success will depend on the massive use of opportunities which offer new disruptive technology based on wearable digital sensors, digital therapeutic app and AI and ML. These tools and means also provide tremendous opportunity to improve global mental health, making it more affordable, particularly to the population without adequate access to psychiatric services.